Fabricio Emder
Ingeniero electronico, programador de software para robots en Ekumen

Fabricio has been passionate about robotics from a young age. He loves researching new things and tackling challenging projects in robotics. He enjoys sharing his knowledge and passion for robotics and is a founding member of the Student Robotics Groups at the National University of San Juan. Fabricio is finishing his last year in Electronic Engineering. He also teaches robotics at the University of La Punta and mentors the high school team for RoboCup.

He had been working on projects using ROS and Gazebo simulating real robots with custom sensors at Ekumen.

In his free time he enjoys reading books, cycling, and hiking.

Nombre Evento Tipo
ROS como herramienta de desarrollo y Primeros pasos en ROS. Python Científico Latino América 2022 workshop